Artist Feature | Nigel Scott: Conversations in Blue

Toronto-based, Jamaican born artist, Nigel Scott is using Weaver & Loom’s platform to transform his art into beautiful tapestries.

Initially, Nigel Scott’s creative process involved painting on blue-toned photographs—a technique stemming from the cyanotype process, which is known for its distinctive blue color. This exploration into combining photography with painting allowed Nigel to experiment and eventually led him to focus exclusively on painting on canvas.

The development of a rug based on Nigel's artwork is highlighted as an exciting and unexpected venture. The process of transforming his art into a hand-woven tapestry was both surprising and gratifying for him, especially seeing the quality and beauty of the sample. This endeavor represents a unique fusion of traditional craftsmanship with contemporary art, adding a tangible and functional dimension to his artistic portfolio.

Nigel's project, "Conversations in Blue," is deeply inspired by his connection to the ocean. By leveraging art as a medium to raise awareness, Nigel hopes to influence individual perceptions and actions towards ocean preservation. His message is a reminder of the urgency to address environmental challenges facing the oceans. By advocating for increased awareness and action, he underscores the role of individual responsibility in contributing to a larger collective effort to preserve the planet's oceans.

Stay tuned for updates as Nigel’s project moves through production!

Follow Nigel Scott at @nigelscottwave on Instagram.


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